
Welcome to my blog! My name is Megan and I am a 20 something (naughty) year old English and Creative Writing student.

“Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.” – William Wordsworth.

Over the years I have accumulated a number of hobbies, I enjoy reading, swimming, gaming and baking to name a few but nothing has ever bought me as much joy as writing. Ever since I was a little girl the idea of becoming a published novelist has been what I’ve aspired to and still endeavour to be.

So why did I want to start a blog?

  • I want to inspire people. (I guess that’s a bit cliche, sorry about that!) I find a huge amount of joy when I write and in this blog I want to create a space for my personal accounts on life. What I get up to, who I am with, the adventures I get up to and share it with the world. I want to inspire people to go out into the world and see a joy in everything they do!
  • Writing for me has never been about a few words on a page. It’s been about finding the right words to help the reader escape. The first author I felt did that for me was Jacqueline Wilson (ah, the younger years!) with her elaborate stories that served huge life lessons, they felt real. I wanted to be her. I still do. I write because I want to envelop the skill she has (and all writers) and share the enthusiasm I feel when I truly believe in something and help others feel that too
  • I want to lead a more intentional life. I believe that writing helps do that, I believe it will help me look at the world in a different way and find meaning in everything I do. Writing has always helped shape me but blogging will make me begin to understand myself as I begin to look closer at who I am due to what I am sharing with the world.
  • In hopes of helping establish myself as a better writer. I want to be a serious writer and I hope that blogging will be a gateway into doing that, I am passionate about writing and I want my blog to reflect it.

My blog will be filled with the fun, quirky aspects of my life, (and if you know me there is plenty) the random things I get up to and the embarrassing (because there is always something embarrassing happening)! Speak to you soon.

The Vivacious Blonde.

5 Comments Add yours

  1. Malvika says:

    Excited to read more from you Megan 😛

    Liked by 1 person

    1. misslouisev says:

      Thank you for following me Malvika, there will be plenty to come! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Rachel says:

    Love your site. I can tell you love to write, your passion is obvious. Just keep at it, don’t give up.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Rachel. This comment means a lot 🙂 don’t give up either!


  3. danetigress says:

    Hey found your blog on the blogging network facebook page, and liked it and followed you! Hope you check out my blog too http://www.danetigress.wordpress.com and like it too


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